• Published
    • May 30, 2019

Upcoming PELR Webinar to Examine Current Issues and Trends in Impact Investing

The prospect of generating alpha while making a positive social impact has catalyzed many investors and private equity (PE) sponsors to pursue impact investing strategies. Most are finding, however, that this area is far more nuanced and challenging than anticipated. PE sponsors are grappling with how to quantify and report social impact – as well as reflect their efforts in offering documents – while investors must diligence sponsors to parse those legitimately pursuing impact investing strategies from others merely trying to capitalize on an industry trend. Those that persist and navigate these difficulties, however, can reap financially and morally fulfilling results.

To keep private fund managers and institutional investors apprised of the latest developments in impact investing, the Private Equity Law Report is hosting a complimentary webinar, entitled “Current Issues and Trends in Impact Investing,” on Wednesday, June 12, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. EDT. In addition to discussing key considerations for PE sponsors and investors pursuing impact investing strategies, the program will provide a comprehensive discussion and update on a number of impact investing-related issues, including: 

  • the disparate definitions of “impact”;
  • methods for deriving an investment strategy that balances making a social impact and generating financial returns;
  • ways PE sponsors measure, quantify and report the social impact of their funds’ impact investments, and how investors diligence and monitor their efficacy;
  • trends in impact investment fund structures and terms, including the rising adoption of “evergreen” funds and equitable carry;
  • issues with retrofitting the advertising rules under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to marketing the magnitude of social change effectuated by impact funds; and
  • factors for investors to consider when selecting impact fund managers, including positive traits to seek and red flags to avoid. 

Moderated by Rorie A. Norton, Editor of the Private Equity Law Report, the webinar will feature Ellen Kaye Fleishhacker, partner and co-head of the investment management practice at Arnold & Porter; Raúl Pomares, founder and managing director of Sonen Capital LLC; and Christine Looney, deputy director of the mission investments team at the Ford Foundation. 

To register for the webinar, click here.